Welcome to the Limerick Arms!

Before making a booking, please take note of the following:

  • The bookings might be limited to a designated time period of 2 hours
  • If you wish to book your table for extended time period or keen to watch a particular sports event, please leave us a note and we’ll do our best to arrange it for you
  • Please inform our staff members if any of the attendees has food allergies or intolerance in the booking notes or on arrival
  • Larger groups might be allocated into multiple tables
  • Respect your reservation time by arriving promptly (we have a 15 minute grace period, so please call us if you are running later than 15 minutes after your reservation time)
  • If you need to cancel, postpone or adjust numbers please call us or send us an email with as much advance notice as possible
  • To make a booking for groups of 15 or more people, we require a credit card pre-authorisation, but nothing will be debited from your card when making the booking, however, if you don't cancel your booking in advance or don't show up, a cancellation fee in amount of $10 per person will be taken